Whether it’s documents for work or photos of the (grand)kids, someday you’re going to want to attach files to your email. The Apple Mail application offers various ways of doing this so you can pick whichever is most convenient at the time.
Watch this video to see the many attachment methods and also how to tell Apple Mail to resize the images you’ve attached.

You can also perform the Attach button function by choosing “Attach Files…” in the File menu, or by pressing ⇧⌘A (shift+command+A).
While Apple Mail lets you insert attachments anywhere within your email, realize that recipients using other email programs or services may not see your files where you attached them. And if they can’t read or view them at all, then try going to the Edit menu, selecting Attachments, and checking “Insert Attachments at End of Message”. That might solve the incompatibility.
This photo/attachment lesson is another great one. So many easy options. Thanks.
Thank you for this!! It was so easy to follow. I was doing it all wrong previously and kept getting the beachball sign for ages! Thanks x
Thanks, your awesome.