Inside: Weather widgets, widget tricks, Steve Jobs
This week’s newsletter will be concise because, frankly, I’m at a loss for words after hearing the news of Steve Jobs’ death. But I suspect he would say to just buck up and carry on, so…
The theme this week is weather widgets. But even if you think you have no interest in the subject, keep reading. These widgets (and Dashboard widgets in general) are great tools for helping you learn about your Mac. Learning all their features often requires exploring and bravely clicking on their various sections. Never fear, you won’t break anything. You may find things you don’t want, but in the process you’ll learn many of the ways that software features are turned on, configured, and turned off. And you’ll likely make some interesting discoveries.
The weather is here
In honor of Widget Wednesday yesterday on the Mac Help For Mom Facebook page, I installed and reviewed five popular weather widgets for the Dashboard. You could spend a couple hours installing and playing with them all, or you could invest a few minutes and read and watch me demonstrate the highs and lows of these widgets.
Dashboard Weather Widget Review
Trick out your widgets
Now that you might have an idea of which weather widget(s) are best for you, check out these tricks as I set up my dream weather widget display.
Dashboard Weather Widget Tricks
Again, even if you have no interest in the weather, the concepts I show in that video work for many other widgets too.
Word of the Week
The word is “Jobs”. Steve Jobs.
By now, you’ve likely heard that Steve Jobs, co-founder, recently retired CEO, and chairman of Apple (and Pixar!) died yesterday. Jobs was the driving force behind Apple’s steady stream of creative products that many millions enjoy everyday. You can find many excellent biographies and obituaries online, so I won’t attempt one here. Instead I’ll simply suggest you take 15 minutes and watch Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address. But grab some tissues first.
Bravo, Steve Jobs. Your days on Earth were far too few, but what you did with them was more than most mortals ever dream of.