Inside: Emailing from iPhoto, special characters, keyboard repeat, updates
All of last week’s videos were about one topic (email) so this week I tried for a little “something for everyone” approach. As always, I love hearing feedback on what you found useful and what you’d like to see more or less of.
How to create gorgeous emails from inside iPhoto
Continuing last week’s email theme just a bit, if you want to impress your friends with beautiful emails made from your photo collection, then drop everything and read and watch this:
How to email photos from iPhoto
After watching that, you can be making emails that looks like this in one minute:

♥ to type special characters
When you don’t have any photos to send, you can still spice up your emails (or documents, for that matter) with a ♥ or a ☺. Learn how to type these (and many more) easily in this video:
How to type special characters
Adjusting your keyboard repeat
You may not realize this but if you hold down a key on your keyboard, it will start repeating. Sometimes this is handy, sometimes annoying. Learn how to adjust its speed and sensitivity here:
How to adjust or turn off keyboard repeat
And with absolutely no clever segue at all, it’s time for the…
Word of the Week
The word is “update”.
I could have just as easily picked “upgrade” or “download” since I’m going to cover them all. You probably already basically know what these are but, when talking to others about your Mac, it’s important to know the differences and how they relate.
First, “update” and “upgrade” both refer to new versions of software (operating systems and applications). Updates are smaller, have less significant changes, and are more frequent than upgrades. Unless you’ve changed the default settings, Mac OS X checks weekly for updates for itself and other installed applications. These updates often include fixes to functions that were broken or security holes that had been discovered recently. They sometimes add new features too.
Here’s an easy way to remember that upgrades are bigger–you usually have to pay for them. The upcoming Mac OS X Lion is a good example.
A “download” is anything you or your computer copies from somewhere on the Internet to your computer. Updates are almost always downloaded and upgrades are increasingly downloaded as well. But try to not casually call something a “download” when you really mean “update” or “upgrade” because a “download” could just as easily refer to anything else you downloaded from the Internet: an email attachment, a Facebook photo, a song from the iTunes store, etc.
These days it’s not only our computers getting updates. If you have an iPhone or iPad, you should periodically connect it to your Mac so iTunes can check if there is an update for it.
Whether on your Mac or iPhone/iPad, just remember that you have to DOWNload an UPdate toINstall it or else you’ll be OUT of luck.
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