When you expect to return to a web page regularly or you’ve found a great site that you don’t want to lose track of, it’s best to bookmark it. In this video I walk through adding bookmarks to the Bookmarks Menu and Bookmarks Bar, and using the Bookmarks List to organize your bookmarks. I demonstrate the features of Safari, but they will be nearly the same in other browsers too.
Like most (tool)bars, the Bookmarks Bar is a great location for those bookmarks you expect to use most. Since space on the Bar is limited, less frequented pages are best saved in the Bookmarks Menu.
As I show in the video above, there are numerous ways to add bookmarks. Some people find the Command+D (⌘D) keyboard shortcut the most convenient method, while others like using their mouse to choose the “Add Bookmark…” command from the menu, the + button to the left of the Address Bar, or maybe drag a link onto the Bookmarks Bar. Choose whichever works best for you.
If you want to create a bunch of bookmarks in one fell swoop, the “Add Bookmarks for These # Tabs…” option in the Bookmarks will let you create a new bookmark folder and put all the current window’s tabs into that folder.
Organizing your bookmarks
Once your collection of bookmarks starts to grow you’ll find a little organization can go a long way. On both the Bar and Menu, you can create folders to group bookmarks by topic or whatever makes sense to you. And, like folders on your hard drive, you can create folders inside of folders to your heart’s content.
You can easily arrange bookmarks and folders on the Bookmarks Bar by dragging and dropping, but you’ll need to open the Bookmarks List to do any other organizing of your bookmark collection.
HANDY TIP: If you want to create a new folder for a bunch of bookmarks you’ve already created, Safari has a great shortcut for that. First select all the bookmarks you want to put into the new folder and then, while holding the Option key, click the (add bookmark folder) button. All the bookmarks you selected will be moved into a new folder, with its “untitled folder” name ready for you to type in a good name for it.
Of course some people (like me) have bookmark collections that grow a bit out of control. Spending a few minutes every now and then to clean out old bookmarks and organize the ones you still want will save you grief when you’re in a hurry to find a special web page.
You can find more more bookmarking tips here.
Very helpful tutorial. The screen demonstrations were exactly what it took to help me grasp the subject matter with my new Apple MacPro.
I.T. SR. Project Manager
Major Banking Institution
Thanks Rochelle. Glad you found it useful.