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How to use the Safari Reading List

When you need to save a link to a web page so you can read it later, but don’t expect to need it after that, consider using Safari’s Reading List feature. It’s a simple list of saved links that’s geared just for this purpose. Watch this video to see the numerous ways to add a web page to your Reading List and how easy it is to browse the list and view the pages in it.

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Adding to your Reading List

Adding to your Reading List is very similar to adding to your Bookmarks Menu or Bookmarks Bar, and can be even simpler. For example, if you want to add a link you see on a page, just hold down the Shift key while clicking on the link. Instead of going to that page like a regular click would do, that link will be added to your Reading List. You can also drag a link and drop it on the “glasses” button Safari Reading List button or right into the Reading List pane if it is open.

If you’re already viewing a page you want added to your Reading List, there are many keyboard and mouse methods for adding it. Probably the simplest (if you can remember it) is pressing the Shift+Command+D (⇧⌘D) key combination. Other ways include:

  • “Add to Reading List” in the Bookmarks menu,
  • Drag the URL from the Address Bar to the “glasses” button Safari Reading List button,
  • Drag to the Reading List pane (if open),
  • Click the “Add Page” button in the Reading List pane,
  • “Add These # Tabs to the Reading List” in the Bookmarks menu.

Reading your Reading List

When it comes time to read the pages in your Reading List, Safari makes that easy too. First, open the list using any of these methods:

  • Clicking on the “glasses” button,
  • Choosing “Show Reading List” in the View menu, or
  • Pressing Shift+Command+L (⇧⌘L).

Once open, you can click on any item in the list to view it in the right side of the browser window. To quickly move from item to item, the Option+Command+Up (⌥⌘↑) and Option+Command+Down (⌥⌘↓) are really handy to move to the previous and next item, respectively, in the list.

The Reading list also has “All” and “Unread” buttons on top so you can see, naturally, all the items in the list or just the unread ones. NOTE: Safari does a so-so job of keeping track of which items you’ve read. It’s unclear (to me at least) how it decides that you’re done reading an item. In my experience sometimes it guesses correctly, sometimes it doesn’t. If you find that Safari doesn’t interpret your reading habits correctly, you can still remove an item from the list by clicking on the X button in its upper right corner. Or, if you are done with the whole list, just click the “Clear All” button to empty out your Reading List completely.

Happy reading!

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